Pecorino Crotonese History of a cheese and a company

Semi-cooked cheese of ancient tradition

it weighs about 2 kg, obtained from the coagulation of rennet sheep’s milk, the “Pecorino Crotonese” certainly draws its origins from the ancient Magna Graecia, in fact already Omero in IX Book of the Odissea -VII sec. a.c.- (In Polyphemus’ Cave) gives a detailed description of sheep breeding and how sheep’s milk was turned into cheese.

The most recent data on sheep’s cheese production and trade in the Province of Crotone, they date back to the 16th century. ; from this historical moment, a lot of records certify the high value that the ovi-caprine products had bought, mading up a high source of income for the noble landowners. In fact a wide network commercial was active between the port of Crotone and Naples (capital of the Regno delle Due Sicilie) from where the cheese was sent to all over Europe markets.

In the past

the production of Pecorino Crotonese was the exclusive prerogative of the shepherds who provided to breed the flocks and to transform their milk into small and cramped rooms, used as a processing room without any hygienic-sanitary requisites, while the seasoning was entrusted to experienced seasoners who, later, took care of the sale.

Realizing that this production must necessarily undergo an evolution and at the same time guarantee healthiness and flavor, in compliance with the regulations in force, the Brugnano family, sheep breeders, has decided to close the supply chain and undertake the transformation activity.

This is how “CASEARIA CROTONESE BRUGNANO sas” was born, high quality PECORINI CHEESES made exclusively from sheep’s milk from the MARCHESATO CROTONESE farms.

A company policy attentive to the needs of consumers has led over the years to the definition of a very wide range of products able to meet the needs of all and that has found great success not only on the domestic market but also abroad.